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State Park Little League


My child "tried out" last year, does he/she have to try out again this year?

They are not "try outs" as all players who register will play, we call them assessments to aim for well balanced teams.  Yes, we will be having player assessments in Late February or Early March and your player is required to attend or their draft status will be subject to random assignment.   We will have a set schedule per age group. This does not apply to Tee Ball or Minor B. Eight year olds are invited to come and assess if they feel they are ready for Minor A division. 

What will happen during the assessments, and what should my child bring?

We perform fielding, hitting, running and pitching drills during the assessments.  All the player has to bring is his/her glove with them.  It is in the high school gymnasium, so please wear tennis shoes.  We will provide everything else. 

How will my child be selected to a team, and when will the teams be announced?

There will be a draft per division, except Tee Ball and Minor B.  Teams will be announced late March.  You will receive an email, text, or phone call from your player’s manager.

I have more than one child, can they play together on the same team?

If they are in the same age brackets, Yes. Please make a note of the siblings name in the comments of their registration.

What is a pool player?

They are players from current regular season teams. This pool is comprised of players willing to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams within their respective division face a shortage of rostered players for an upcoming game. This player is not allowed to pitch.  For Minor B and Minor A divisions, this pool player cannot play more than 1 game a day.  For Majors, a pool player can play up to 2 games a day.

What division will my child play in? Are there any specific requirements about each division?

Baseball League Age - Please See Chart available under Registration Info Tab.

TEE BALL Boys and Girls - League Age 4, 5 and 6 years old

MINOR B League - Age 6, 7, and 8 years old

MINOR A BASEBALL - League Age 8, 9, and 10 years old (8 if they are drafted)

MAJOR BASEBALL - League Age 10, 11, and 12 years old (10 if they are drafted)

What paperwork is required and how do I submit it?

Child's birth certificate, there is a place to upload via the registration account profile.

What do the registration fees go toward?

Uniforms, equipment, lawn care, maintenance of SPLL, charter fees, insurance, upgrades to the facility.

How much are registration fees?

Fees include $100 in raffle tickets.  Sell them to family and friends.  Do not return the proceeds of your ticket sales to SPLL, as this is intended to reduce your cost to participate.

$205 per player for baseball ($100 value of raffle tickets)

$155 per player for tee ball ($50 value of raffle tickets)

$500 per family max

*If you, or anyone you know, is challenged to cover these costs, please reach out to the League President for your options.  We want all youth to be able to play ball!*

Are there fundraisers throughout the season? Is there a fundraising buy-out option?

Yes, raffle tickets (100 tickets per player except for tee ball is 50 tickets per player – 200 tickets per family max), 50/50, State Parktoberfest, Movies at the BallPark, and more.  There is no sponsorship/fundraising buy out.

Am I required as a parent to volunteer? What is the "Non-Volunteer Fee?"

State Park Little League is an all volunteer organization.  Quite simply, without volunteers, the day's events do not happen.  Please volunteer at registration to help.  The non-volunteer fee will help us cover the costs of paying someone to do the work necessary to run State Park. 

What is the time commitment? How many practices and games per week?

There will be at least 2 games a week when the season begins.  Practice will depend on the division the player is playing in. The manager will set the practice schedule.  Preseason, 2 practices a week is normal.  Practices can begin on or after April 1st.

How does the team and/or local league communicate with parents? Does the league have a social media presence?

Coaches utilize text, email, and GameChanger.  The League will utilize Facebook, email, and website.

Can I manage my child’s team?

Yes, you can.  Please select that you are interested in managing on the registration. 

If my child is selected to a Minor League team, is there a chance he/she gets called up to Majors during the season?

Yes there is. Doesn’t happen very often, but there is always that chance.  This would be called "Pool Player", see FAQ above.

What will my child need to bring to practice?

A Baseball glove.  Cleats are recommended, but not mandatory. Wear a CUP. Bats, helmets can be provided.  Many players will have their own equipment, and are welcome to use it.  Bats have to be stamped with the USA BASEBALL logo to be used in any Little League activity.

When is Opening Day, and what will be involved?

End of April/Early May.  There will be a parade from LA Bell parking lot West of Waverly down Woodlawn to League Lane.  We will have opening ceremonies, first pitch, singing of the national anthem, and then games will start that day. 

How many players are on a Little League team?

Tee ball aims for no more than 10.  Every other division depends on numbers, but it is safe to say, 10 to 13 players a team.

Where are games played?  Do we have to travel?

Baseball and Tee Ball games will be played at the State Park Field complex.  Minor A and Major Baseball may travel to other leagues during the season for interleague play and the Taber and Connors tournament.

Does each player play every game?

Yes. Please speak with your coach first, then a board member about playing time.  There is a minimum, and there is competitive freedoms the coaches may utilize when setting up their game plan.

Where can I find the Little League rules?

Also, your manager is supplied with a rule book. 

Will my player get to play with his/her classmates?

Tee Ball and Minor B allows for some accomodations, but we never want stacked teams and will avoid this if the roster becomes unbalanced.  Minor A and Majors will be drafted by coaches and no accomodations will be made.  Fall Ball may be an exception, but is never guaranteeed.

What is an "All-Star", and how is the team selected?

An "All Star" player is selected by the All Star coaching staff with input from the regular season coaches.  There is likely only one team of 12-14 players per division.  A commitment will be necessary of the player and family to participate in the duration of the tournament season, minimum of which is through early July and can last into August if successful.  Players are selected on a combination of talent, performance, sportsmanship, attitude, effort, leadership and more.  The decision will be made no later than Early June.

Who are the All Star coaches?

The State Park Little League Board will vote on a coach for their leadership ability, baseball acumen, and willingness to take on the role.  It is critical the experience of the team be placed above all else, and the head coach sets that tone.  Assistant Coaches will be chosen from the ranks of players chosen to participate on the All Star team.  Yes, this may mean a coaches player earns a spot because their parent is an awesome volunteer who is committed to helping other youth's reach their goals as players and young citizens.

When/where are practices?

The teams practices are set by the managers to accomodate their schedules and at designated fields in the community, such as Dogwood Park or school grounds. Once the season begins, expect to practice off State Park grounds as we shift to hosting games.

State Park Little League

250 League Lane 
Chesterton, Indiana 46304
Email : [email protected]
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